Make a Creativity Jar for Painting Ideas
It's a simple idea, but it really works!
Whether I'm stuck in a painting or just looking for new ideas to inspire me, dipping into my Creativity Jar can kick things loose and give new life to my painting process.
It should work for you, too!
The idea is to write down a large number of potential painting “elements” on separate pieces of paper — “paint in red,” “paint with your non-dominant had,” “draw lines,” “paint over one color.” Think of as many different elements as you can. When you randomly connect them by drawing from the jar you’ll get surprising results.
Click here or on the image below to see what kinds of ideas I put in my Creativity Jar to experiment with.
And click here to download the FREE "10 Exercise to Inspire Your Painting."
And don't worry about your immediate results. The idea isn’t to produce a finished painting. (Though you might!) The idea is to explore new techniques and find new effects.
The Creativity Jar will give you ideas about colors, techniques and textures to employ in future paintings.
Have fun with it!
To Your Creative Potential,
PS: Click here to watch "Try My Creativity Jar for Painting Ideas."
PPS: Click here to download the FREE "10 Exercise to Inspire Your Painting."
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