Creating Abstract Collages

So many choices!

Given only a handful of large painted collage papers, you can create many possibilities for a painting.

It could be an inspiration for another piece, or a finished piece itself.

In this video I will show you 7 different possibilities for paintings using only a handful of large painted papers.

While laying down and moving around the papers on a large 30x48” canvas, I also explain my thought process in the design of each of the pieces.

Being aware of why you are making a design choice is important and can help you to easily problem solve along the way.

The artist Henri Matisse has always been one of my favorites and his collage paintings -- in which he “painted with scissors” -- have always inspired me.

Things don’t have to be overly complicated or complex to be a great painting.

You can achieve success with minimalism if you put things together in an extraordinary way.

Please watch till the end because you don’t want to miss all 7 of the designs.

Click HERE or on the image below to watch the video.

If you enjoy this video and are interested in learning more about abstract art, techniques, mindsets, and tools, check out Art with Adele. This interactive art course allows you to watch me paint as I explain everything I am doing and the thinking behind it. Also included are interviews with gallery owners and artists, a monthly book review, resources to help get you started, and a private Facebook group where you can ask questions or post your artwork for critique. To find out more and sign up, click here.

CREATING ABSTRACT COLLAGES / The artist Henri Matisse has always been one of my favorites and his cut papers -- in which he "painted with scissors" -- has always inspired me. In this abstract art tutorial I show you 7 different possibilities for paintings using only a handful of large painted papers.


Painting Abstract Landscapes


How to Make Collage Papers, Part 2