12 Steps for Starting a Painting
There are so many ways to start a painting, it can be overwhelming at times! I have written down my personal steps to starting a painting, hopefully this guide will help you get started.
This is my personal list, but I want you to pay attention to how you work, what steps you usually take, and make a list!
Here is my list:
Paint one color over the entire surface.
Let dry.
Go over the surface with a different color. Keeping in mind the color scheme you are going for! (Think a mid-tone of beige, so you can mix lighter and darker variations! This can work for any color you want!)
Let dry.
Add 3 dark colors. Making small, medium, and large markings. (Steps 1-5 already give you a variety of shapes and values to work with!)
Go over dark colors with another color-a little, partially, or a lot! (You can adjust the opacity of your paints to completely cover the existing shapes or let them pop through using a transparent layer. It is up to you!)
Draw on painting with china maker. If working with a dark painting, perhaps use a light color and vice versa.
Put a watery strip of paint on, and let it drip down. If you do not like the drips, you can wipe them off.
Stop and think about what you have done.
Think about what you like or what you do not like. You may not like it at all, and want to start over. That is ok!
Add a complementary color.(If your painting is mostly red, add green elements. If your painting is blue, try adding some orange elements.)
Now decide what is next!
*Bonus* Step
13. Add a surprise element! This can be adding a small shape into the painting, that you're unable to see from afar but up close, makes a surprise appearance. You can add elements like this to keep things fun!
Please watch my Youtube video here to help you get started!
I hope that you take inspiration from my list, create your own, and that you start your painting today!
Love always,
* Download my FREE PDF "10 Exercises to Inspire Your Painting: Download now
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