Want to join me live?

Last year, every time I did a week of live art projects on Instagram it was a success.

The week of January 17th at 9 a.m. PST, I’ll be doing four lives. The first one will be Monday.

You can follow along each day and not only watch me create something, but you can do it along with me.

We’re going to create blue monochrome paintings.

The great thing about monochrome is that you’re using a limited palette of colors in order to create lots of different values with that one color.

The definition of monochrome from the Merriam-Webster dictionary is: “Involving or producing visual images in a single color or in varying tones of a single color.”

You won’t need many supplies…just one blue color, white, black, and orange (because orange is the complementary color and mutes the color blue into some gorgeous other colors). Just wait and see!

You’ll also need a pair of scissors, a glue stick, several pieces of printer paper, and a magazine or two.

Here are two examples of the magazine collage pieces I made from just two home magazines.

The first day of the Monochrome Live we’ll be tearing and cutting blues from magazines and gluing them on a piece of printer paper. You’re going to love this.

The second day of the monochrome project you’ll be making your own collage papers with the paints you have. For this you’ll need a variety of papers…and please just use what you have on hand.

I’m going to use just printer paper. You could also use newspaper.

On the third day, Wednesday, we’re going to tear or cut from your monochrome collage papers and arrange a pleasing composition on a canvas or board.

There won't be a Live on Thursday because I'm traveling, but on Friday, I’m going to be answering any questions you may have for me.

This is crazy because it’s the first time I’ve gone on and answered questions, so have yours ready.

It’s going to fun and simple and I hope you can join in each day.

If you can’t be there live, no worries, I will put the videos on my YouTube channel and on my IGTV channel.

I can’t wait to spend some time with you next week playing around with blues.

P.S. Want to join in next week and create a monochrome art project? Great, I’ll be going live beginning on Monday, January 17th at 9 a.m. PST. Just bring a magazine or two, glue stick, scissors, and blue, white, black, and orange paint, and some printer paper. See you next week.

* Download my FREE PDF "10 Exercises to Inspire Your Painting: Download now.

* Sign up for my FREE minicourse "Kickstart Your Abstract Painting" HERE.

* Learn more about my Art with Adele membership HERE.


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