How to Create Your Own Library of Abstract Painting Ideas
Staring at a blank page or canvas can be daunting, but I have created an easy way for you to develop your own library of abstract painting ideas.
Four Easy Steps to Help You Tap into Your Creativity
We were all born with creativity and imagination. What we do with that ability is up to us. You can increase your creativity by following this simple four-step process…
Your Artist Toolbox: Exploring Conventional Brushes
A quick tour of the kinds of brushes you’ll want to include in your toolkit can help you make good selections. Let’s narrow down the playing field by looking at the various type of brushes.
How to Determine What to Create
Art is about what you create more than the materials or techniques. With that in mind, I’d like to offer you some simple exercises to help you uncover the creativity inside you.
How to Overcome the Fear of Creating Art
Deep inside you there is a conflict that only you can see. Your internal disagreement thrashes between your desire and fear to do the same thing—unleash your inner artist.