Tools for Acrylic Painting: Cheap tools, remarkable results
t's not just traditional paint brushes that you can use to paint with. Sponges, bamboo skewers, pipe cleaners and, even CD racks.
Finding Your Art Style
In this video you’ll find tips for discovering the art styles that work best for you.
Behind the Scenes: Preparing for Round Top
In this video I’ll show you the latest techniques I’ve developed for tapping into creativity to produce unique works
Unusual Places to Find Artwork Inspiration
Inspiration can be found in a variety of unexpected places. You simply need to know how to seek out ideas that stimulate and spark vision into your future creations.
Discover Endless Ideas for Your Paintings
In this how-to video, I show you a fun and easy method that will help you gather lots of ideas for current and future paintings.
How to Create Your Own Library of Abstract Painting Ideas
Staring at a blank page or canvas can be daunting, but I have created an easy way for you to develop your own library of abstract painting ideas.
Collecting Colors For Painting Inspiration
In this how-to video, Adele shows you the exact steps for building your own painting resource library using pattern ideas and color combinations you like.
2 Ways to Generate Abstract Painting Ideas
Getting ideas for abstract paintings is challenging for a lot of people because they don't know where to start.
Here are two exercises that are designed to help make getting ideas for painting fun and playful.
Do You Know How To Think Like An Artist?
Many people say they can’t create art because they don’t know how to think like an artist. You may be thinking like an artist already and not even realize it. Check out this list…
The Truth About Learning to Paint
Painting is a visual language that we each have the power to unlock, especially if we take the time to learn from others who have gone before us.
The truth is that learning how to paint can help you:
Painting Myths That Can Kill Your Creativity
Are myths about painting killing your creativity? Anyone who ignores these misconceptions is able to use art to tell amazing stories and so much more. Let’s look at a few of these myths and debunk them right now.
Painting Insights: Q&A with Adele
I am passionate about painting and teaching. So it is no wonder that I love living at the intersection of those two worlds.
Here are seven more questions and answers about painting that many of you ask me frequently.
Art Insights: Q&A with Adele
As an artist and teacher, I get asked a lot of questions. So I’ve decided to start a periodic blog section where I answer a few of the questions many of you ask me frequently.
Why We Are Driven To Paint
What makes you want to paint?
Is it because you like the feel of the paintbrush or many different tools in your hands?
Perhaps you are….
Five Benefits of Painting That Can Improve Your Health
Many studies shine the light on how painting can improve our quality of life while promoting good health. Let’s look at some of the incredible side effects your well-being can experience when you paint.
What is Mindset?
Mindset is key when it comes to creating art. Listen to what I have to say about it in this short video.
How to Change Your Mindset
Fear is a mental game that can stop the most creative person from moving forward in their artistic journey. Good news! You can change your mindset and access your hidden potential.
Six Creative Blocks and How to Overcome Them
Creativity and imagination are found inside all of us. But there are times when something gets in the way of our flow of ideas.
Have you ever felt like your inspiration left you, or your well of ideas dry up?
Four Easy Steps to Help You Tap into Your Creativity
We were all born with creativity and imagination. What we do with that ability is up to us. You can increase your creativity by following this simple four-step process…
Add These Brushes, Pencils & Pens to Your Artist Toolbox
With any of tools you need to experiment to determine which ones work best in the piece you’re creating. You just keep exploring options until you find the tools that help you display and share your art best.