These are a few of my favorite things
Over the past few weeks, I know I’ve been sharing with you some of my favorite projects to do with my grandkids…
Like the circle game that I created with my grandson…
Or making homemade wrapping paper…
Or creating self-portraits.
One project that I haven’t shared is the crayon sculpture.
This project is such a fun way to use old or broken crayons and turn them into a work of art.
Plus it’s so cool to create a piece that almost looks like it’s defying gravity!
If you want your kids or grandkids to be able to do these types of projects, there’s still one day left to purchase Art with Kidz.
After tomorrow, Art with Kidz will not be available to purchase until next summer.
Click here to learn more and buy it this year!
* Click HERE to learn about the Art with Adele Academy.
* Click HERE to get my FREE minicourse, “Kickstart Your Abstract Painting.”