What's in a Number?
We live in a culture now where numbers can define our popularity and our worth IF WE LET THEM.
How many Instagram followers do you have?
How many Facebook followers do you have?
How many do you have on your email list?
How many people do you have in your courses, or membership?
How many paintings have you sold?
How many galleries are you in?
And then, don’t even mention numbers around how much your paintings sell for!!
There is so much discussion around how you should price your art.
Does it depend on how many paintings you’ve sold in your lifetime?
Does it depend on whether you’ve gone to art school?
Does it depend on what your artist friend charges?
What does all of this really come down to?
COMPARING ourselves to others.
And yet, does it REALLY matter? What DOES matter?
Each one of us has to answer that for ourselves, but after spending a lifetime in the arts, I’ve come to the conclusion that just continuing to do the work and getting joy from it is what matters most.
You’ll never be at the top ALL the time, and you’ll never be at the bottom ALL the time.
It’s a road with lots of twists and turns, joys and heartaches, busy times and bored times, but if you’re still in the game, learning and growing and expressing your creativity then you’re still alive!
And I mean alive in your art practice.
One step ahead of the other, birthing your work and offering it to the world is the greatest gift you can give.
So…in this period of celebration of joy and giving, my deepest hope is that you keep offering your unique view of expression.
At the end of the day the numbers don’t matter…what matters is just doing the work.
* Click HERE to learn about the Art with Adele Academy.
* Click HERE to get my FREE minicourse, “Kickstart Your Abstract Painting.”