A Few of My Favorite Things

I fall for many ads that show a “before,” and show “the problem,” and then an “after” with the problem solved.

How wonderful to even know this thing exists. It makes a chore easier…or quicker…or more organized.

Oprah famously started her yearly Christmas list of her favorite things and to this day I still buy her magazine in December to find out what those things are.

Mostly because I had never heard of them before.

It could be the softest pajamas, or a kitchen gadget, or a tech gadget.

Doesn’t matter. I love seeing them and will most probably get one or two.

With that in mind I thought I’d share three of my favorite things.

1. First is a handmade book filled with the most gorgeous paper using a specialized technique of dying paper and then using an iron to create patterns and textures.

It’s made by a New Zealand artist, Liz at Book Art Studios. I just fell in love with this one-of-a-kind book.

2. Second is a floor vase my brother and his partner made out of an old piece of cypress. They have a lot of gorgeous pieces of furniture and lighting. You can take a look at their work on Instagram: @reworksatx. You can also see their designs at reworkshome.com.

3. Finally, this is MORE than just a candle! It’s a candle, a skin lotion, and a useful glass container once all the wax is gone. Every night I light it with dinner and afterward I scoop up a bit of the melted wax and pour it on my arms and hands. It smells divine and is so nourishing. It’s called Soy Delicious and the scent I have at the moment is Portofino.

I know we aren’t even close to Christmas, but I love sharing these three beautiful things with you.

​P.S. Click HERE to get on the waitlist for my new course coming out in October called “Fun Abstract Painting for the Absolute Beginner.”

* Click HERE to learn about the Art with Adele Academy.

* Click HERE to get my FREE minicourse, “Kickstart Your Abstract Painting.”


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