How to Start a Painting Using Collage

"How to Start a Painting Using Collage" is one of 10 exercises I put together and the title of my newest YouTube.

There are so many times as a beginner when you look at a blank canvas in front of you and don’t know where to begin or even how to start.

In this particular exercise I’ll demonstrate how I randomly choose a collection of collage pieces – both large and small, solid colors and multi-colored, large shapes and small shapes – and randomly lay them out on a canvas and just glue them down.

There isn’t a plan, there is just getting something down so you have a start…something to respond to.

This makes beginning so much easier.

In this YouTube video, I begin with a 16x20” blank canvas and put a layer of gloss medium over the entire surface.

Then I just begin laying down pieces like a jigsaw puzzle, and before I know it I’ve got something quite interesting happening.

It takes a few layers to get enough on there that I can then respond to.

Once all the pieces are laid down I have a wonderful start, or I may just love it enough that I don’t want to continue and put any paint on it.

Maybe I just want to add some other colors, or marks, or patterns, but it’s a really fun way to begin an abstract painting.

Take a look at the video HERE and let me know what you think in the comments.

I just love hearing from you and how you’re doing on your creative journey.

P.S. Click HERE to get on the waitlist for my new course coming out in October called “Fun Abstract Painting for the Absolute Beginner.”

* Click HERE to learn about the Art with Adele Academy.

* Click HERE to get my FREE minicourse, “Kickstart Your Abstract Painting.”


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