Self-taught vs Classically Trained

​Not too long ago you really had only one option for learning a specific subject, like art. You had to go to school.

But now, with all the different offerings on YouTube, courses, workshops, and memberships, is getting a degree really important?

And why would you even want one?

Now, I’ve graduated from a four-year college with an art degree plus I continued to learn from other art institutions, like Gage Academy of Art in Seattle, and the Otis College of Art and Design in Los Angeles.

So, I would say I am classically trained.

But would I suggest that same path to someone now who wanted to learn art, whether it is realism, abstract, sculpture, or photography?

Not really, unless they wanted to teach. Then I believe they would need an MFA.

The ability to learn now is vastly different and I think it’s for the better.

You can have instruction online where you can watch and practice anytime you want and anywhere you want.

Plus, you have the benefit of picking and choosing your own curriculum.

You can put together a group of courses yourself depending on what you want to learn.

And so many teachers are excellent in their knowledge.

Want to know two online teachers I still learn from?

They each have their own YouTube channel.

One is Dianne Mize. She has quick tips...tons of them that offer great information.

Dianne Mize​
Mize's YouTube channel

And what I like about Dianne is that she breaks things down to basics so you can use certain techniques in just about any genre.

She is a realistic painter, but you’ll love her instruction even if you’re an abstract painter.

Another artist I love watching and learn from is a landscape painter, Ian Roberts.

Ian Roberts​
Roberts' YouTube channel

He, too, breaks bigger more complex concepts into bite-sized pieces that make something that seems challenging to paint easier.

Both have step-by-step methods, which I personally like best.

If you haven’t already jumped into learning something you’ve always wanted to, now’s your time.

Expanding my knowledge and growing, not only in the arts, is a passion of mine.

It’s all out there available for us to take advantage of.

What would you love to learn about next?

​P.S. Click HERE to get on the waitlist for my new course coming out in October called “Fun Abstract Painting for the Absolute Beginner.”

* Click HERE to learn about the Art with Adele Academy.

* Click HERE to get my FREE minicourse, “Kickstart Your Abstract Painting.”


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